
5天? 沒錯!就是要5天才可以吃到這白糖糕...

之前做過簡易版的白糖糕 沒有比較的話 簡易版的也不錯吃

但是自從吃了這個用米飯發酵的白糖糕 真的有差!


除了味道,做白糖糕最大的樂趣就是蒸出來後 看到的蜜蜂窩~~~~

這次做出來的白糖糕組織還不錯 而且還QQ的


奇怪,雖然我很喜歡吃白糖糕 但是以前在馬來西亞的時候卻很少買來吃

但是來了澳洲之後 卻一直有這個癮

人啊 真是犯賤!以前隨手可得的東西 都不珍惜 現在要吃就得自己做

感恩我還蠻熱愛廚房 對烹飪有興趣

這樣我才能讓老公在異鄉依然可以吃到他喜歡吃的亞洲食物 (老公超不喜歡吃麵包,三文治...偶爾吃意大利麵還可以, 但是時常吃他會發瘋)



食譜取自Table for 2 


Starter Dough

100gm cooled, cooked rice 
½ Tbsp Chinese Wine Yeast
1 tsp sugar
½ Tbsp water

Mix everything together, keep in a covered container.

After 48 hours, weight out 60gms (balance keep in fridge)


Kuih Starter dough 

60gm starter dough
100gm rice flour
Some plain water (Only if it’s too dry. Add some just to moisten)

Mix everything together in another container. Leave to ferment for 16-18 hours 

Weigh out 80gm of this. (keep balance in fridge)


Ingredients (A):
220 gm. pure rice flour
30 gm. tapioca starch (I used wheat starch)
280 gm. water

Ingredients (B):
200 gm. castor sugar
400 ml. water
3 blades of pandan leaves (tied into a knot)

Ingredients (C):
80 gm. of the fermented kuih starter dough


(1) Combine ingredients (A) together in a big mixing bowl. Set aside.
(2) Bring ingredients (B) to a boil, then discard pandan leaves. Pour half portion into no. (1) and mix well. Cool the remaining half portion for about 2 mins. before pouring into the rice flour mixture in the mixing bowl. Mix well, leave mixture to cool.
(3) Add the 80 gm. of fermented kuih starter dough and sieve it. Let it ferment again for about 12 - 14 hours.


Ingredients (D):
1/4 tsp. Alkaline water/ lye water or air abu (or dissolve ¼ tsp baking soda in 1 tsp water, and use ¼ tsp of that solution) (省略)

1 tsp. cooking oil

(1) Add oil into the fermented mixture (no.3). Add alkaline water and mix well before pouring into a greased 10" round steaming tray. Steam for about 15 - 20 mins over medium heat. Test with a skewer before removing from the steamer.

(2) You can glaze the pak thong koh with some oil whilst still hot and cool well before cutting kuih into pieces. (it's oily enough from that 1 tsp oil added before steaming) BE PATIENT AND WAIT FOR IT TO BE TOTALLY COOL TO TOUCH BEFORE CUTTING, if not the surface will be sticky and kuih will be soft and not crunchy.


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